
No Dead Bid

Maintain a database of defaulter bidders from EBay. The main idea of this concept is to maintain a common list of defaulter bidders on EBay. For every Auctioner there is a list of defaulter bidders who did not buy the product even after winning the bid. Such users are called defaulters in EBay. EBay provides facility to auctioners to block some bidders to bid on their auction. This site will maintain list of defaulter bidders for all registered auctioner so that other auctioner can check and block such defaulter bidders to bid on their auctions.

More Details

Project Name: Java Mortgage Calculator
Prepared by : Somesh Vaidya
Organization: Prism Software Ltd.
Date created: 22-Jan-2006
Table of Contents
Introduction System Description
Project Scope System Feature 1
Overall Description External Interface
Client Requirements
Our Approach
Technology Used
User Interfaces
Software Interfaces
1. Introduction

1.1 Project Scope
Maintain a database of defaulter bidders from EBay. The main idea of this concept is to maintain a common list of defaulter bidders on EBay. For every Auctioner there is a list of defaulter bidders who did not buy the product even after winning the bid. Such users are called defaulters in EBay. EBay provides facility to auctioners to block some bidders to bid on their auction. This site will maintain list of defaulter bidders for all registered auctioner so that other auctioner can check and block such defaulter bidders to bid on their auctions.

2. Overall Description

2.1 Client Requirements
The main idea is to help Auctioners on Ebay to get rid of defaulter bidders who run away after winning any bid. Client will invite registered auctioners from EBay to register on his site and using there EBay login details every auctioner will fetch list of defaulter bidders for them. This list will be stored on clients server database. This way there will be a huge list of defaulter bidders on server database. If any auctioer want to block defaulter bidders to bid on his auction he will check the list from our database and blocks the bidder from bidding. EBay API will be used to fetch list of defaulter bidders for any Anuctioner.

2.2 Our Approach
Ebay has given API functions to fetch required data from there server. Created separate modules for accessing EBay data and process them to display in correct format. Every user who want to use site must be already registered on ebay. Every user will enter their EBay details while registering. Defualter bidders data will be fetched for that user and stored on server database. If there are 100 such users our database will contain defaulter bidder list of all those 100 auctioners. If any one of them want to check for defaulter bidders he will check it from the available list. Ebay has also provided API function to block any bidder from any auction. Using these API any user can block any number of defaulter bidders from bidding on his auction.

2.3 Technology Used

Database Server MySQL-3.23.58
Server / Environment OS Linux / Unix
Application Server Apache
Server Side Scripting/Back End PHP, Perl, Templating engine HTML, XML, Cascading Style
Client Side Scripting HTML, XML, Cascading StyleSheets, Javascript
Security SSL. Server side validation and Secure Sessions
Graphic Design Adobe Illustrator, Adobe PhotoShop, Adobe Image Ready
Page Coding and Layout Macromedia DreamWeaver, HTML, XML, Cascading Style Sheets.
Payment Gateway Moneries, Neteller
Other Module EBay API
3. System Description

3.1 System Feature 1
Object Oriented Programming with class hierarchy is used to manage all database tables. Following broad modules are created for smooth management of the site.

EBay API module
EBay API module has all the functionality of defaulter bidders management. All the API functions are called from the EBay API module. It processes all the data from XML response and displays in proper format to users.

XML Request Generator
The web services use SOAP protocol for data transfer. All the data is sent in an XML format to and from the SForce server. An XML request Generator module is created to create any XML request to be sent to SForce. All the required parameters are passed in an array. This module will process all the parameters and creates a valid XML request to sent to SForce server.

XML Parser
This module parses XML response data from SForce web Service API to display data in simple human readable format.

Payment Processing Module
All the payments from partners, affiliate, and site will be collected by super admin. He then distributes commissions to all others involved in the business. Payment integration with authorize.net is done for online credit card processing.

Emails Module
Emails are sent throughout the sites at different stages. All emails are dynamically generated using different templates. Emails module will read the template and format is to send emails to any user or partner.

Other Supporting Modules
Other supporting modules includes users registration and authentication module, product inventory management module, shopping cart module, order processing module, shipping cost calculation, Reports generation.

4. External Interface

4.2 Software Interfaces
EBay Web Service API for fetching data from EBay.